Sindhutai – The Mother fondly loved as “Mai”

A soul out of life’s hardship was born as Mother to over a thousand children and devoted her entire life to social service. After 70 years of lifespan (Born:1948/ Died:2022), she has raised a grand family of 207 son-in-laws, 36 daughter-in-laws. “Mai” adopted over more than 1000 orphaned kids and provided them with food, shelter and education.

Sindhutai was honoured with “Padamshri” in the year 2021 by Hon. President of India, with more than 750 awards for her dedicated social work.

The Mother

“I am there for all those who have no one” – Sou. Dr. Sindhutai Sapakal

Sindhutai Sapkal never had an easy life. Going back to her early days, she was born in a poor family in Wardha, Maharashtra. Being the unwanted child she was ill-treated and her mother was not in favour of spending on her education. Married off to an elderly man at the tender age of twelve. She gave birth to her daughter in a chow-shed; and society’s ill-treatment and questioning on her infidelity made her leave the house. She started begging in trains and streets to feed her baby. It was during her difficult times that she came in touch with orphan children and wanted to do something for them.