Saptasindhu Mahila Adhar Balsangopan aani Shikshan Sanstha
Effective Date: 06/09/2024

Thank you for considering a donation to Saptasindhu Mahila Adhar Balsangopan aani Shikshan Sanstha. We appreciate your support and contribution towards our mission. Please read the following policy regarding cancellations and refunds.

  1. Donations Are Voluntary
    All donations made to Saptasindhu Mahila Adhar Balsangopan aani Shikshan Sanstha are voluntary and contribute towards our various charitable programs and initiatives. By making a donation, you acknowledge that you are doing so of your own free will, and that you fully understand the purpose of the contribution.
  2. No Cancellations or Refunds
    Once a donation is made, it cannot be canceled or refunded. We do not offer refunds for any donations made through our Website or any other platform, regardless of the amount or purpose.
  3. Errors in Donation
    In the event that you believe an error has been made in your donation, please contact us immediately at or +91 93265 35224. We will review the matter, and if an error is found to have occurred, we may, at our discretion, address the issue appropriately.
  4. Contact Us
    If you have any questions or concerns about this policy, please reach out to us:

    Saptasindhu Mahila Adhar Balsangopan aani Shikshan Sanstha
    Phone: +91 93265 35224
    Address: Belhekar Vasti, Near Vasantdada Sugar Institute, Manjari (Bk), Tal. Haveli, Dist. Pune – 412 307